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Hunting The Net
Hunting Lesson II
(Special Engine Attacks)


Courtesy of Fravia's searchlores.org
Portions of these Hunting Lessons have
been based on the original works by fravia+
as well as private instruction from +ORC.

�>>>�����> The Specials <�����<<<�

There are many different types of specialized search engines and resources existing on the net and more being created every day.

�>>>�����> File Search <�����<<<�

With a mild mastery of the major engines and boolean you'll be able to hunt down almost all of the information you want but hunting down files is another story all together. In the HREF Searches section of Hunting Lesson #1 you learned a good tool for finding files that exist as links on the web but there are vast resources of files that aren't accessed through web pages. The real trick is finding them...

�>>>�����> FTP Search <�����<<<�

A fast and efficient way to hunt down files is through the FTP Search Engines. The standing champion of these is located in Norway but as always, there are plenty more. The list below consists of a group of engines that all run on the same software by Tor Egge. This makes automation of your file searches much easier through script cracking and email which will be covered in later Hunting Lessons.

�>>>�����> Filez Search <�����<<<�

There are other search engines that index FTP servers, including some of the big comercial engines like AltaVista and there are also searchable archives of shareware, freeware and drivers.

�>>>�����> The Old Guard <�����<<<�

In the constant push for newer, newer and still newer, most people have never botherd to learn about some of the old and powerful searching resources that still exist on the net. Many of these don't have a slick web interface and even those that do are still better querried through email. I've included a list of some of the existing web interfaces and resources so you can get a feel for these powerful work horses but actually putting them to work for you will be covered in later Hunting Lessons.

�>>>�����> Our Specialty <�����<<<�

This is a blurb

�>>>�����> Underground <�����<<<�

The Big List:
Engine List Index of Web Based Searching Resources

Back to Robin Hood's lessons
fravia's searchlores.org Copyright © 1998