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(Courtesy of fravia's advanced searching lores)

(¯`·.¸ 600 engines for next to nothing ¸.·´¯)
Part Two - Delving Deeper

by Laurent
(very slightly edited by fravia+)
published at searchlores in April 2001

My friend Laurent caches his extraordinary capabilities behind an exagerate modesty. He is a very good PHP-wizard, that in the last months has definitely changed the messageboard landscape of many 'communities' that orbit around reversing matters. His talent for transforming vaguely muttered ideas into working code-realities is already legendary in the scene. He has also started a specific searching project, the [oslse project], that represents, afaik, the most useful public bot project around.

Ah yes, you think I'm exagerating Laurent's modesty? Why do you think that the title of this essay is 600 engines for next to nothing? :-)


When I originally saw wayoutthere's post on the messageboard, I said to myself this is another meta searcher, probably very similar to webferret&co. So I didn't checked it further until RH catched my attention again. After all, why not give it a try? Maybe I'll find some interesting ideas that could be usefull for the oslse project.
After I wrote a first draft, the least I could do was to ask wayoutthere if he didn't wanted to add some notes of his own. After all, he is the originator of this essay. It turns up that he had more than a few comments to add : He wrote a complete essay describing his own journey through the search engines world (taking a very interesting approach) which I greatly advice you to read.
The purpose of this essay is to gather ideas and informations that could be useful for the oslse project and, more generally, for building our own bots. We're going to find out how Lexibot, our today's target, manages the query building and the results parsing of the (many!) different search engines it supports.


During my first visit to lexibot home page, I came accross their technical support section. Somewhere there you can download what they call The most recently released version of the search engines supported by the LexiBot, namely engine2.dat (note that it was released in July 2000). Would it be so nice that they offer their whole treasure for nothing? Let's download that file.
No luck, the file seems to be encrypted. But well, from it's size (almost 500Kb) we may suppose it contain some valuable informations (that make about 0.8Kb info/engine, not a bad ratio). Moreover, looking at the file content, we can see lots of repetitive patterns. This probably indicates a simple permutation cipher. So, let's put some reversing efforts in it.


After disasembling the file, it become obvious that, even if it claim to be a Very small program size, the software wasn't quite optimized (you can find many redundancy code and data). Anyway, let's search for engine2.dat, the filename we are interested in. 7 occurances are found. 3 in sub_40866D and 4 in sub_40A0E8. A quick check shows that the file is open in read mode in the first function and in write mode in the second. So we may assume the decryption take place somewhere in the sub_40866D function. I'll skip the boring details and jump directly into the decryption function :

Decode_String proc near   
Flag    = dword ptr -10h
Count   = dword ptr -0Ch
cur_pos   = dword ptr -8
offset    = dword ptr -4
string    = dword ptr  8

    push  ebp
    mov ebp, esp
    sub esp, 10h
    cmp [ebp+string], 0
    jnz short loc_0_418C25
    jmp Return

loc_0_418C25:             ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+Aj
    mov [ebp+cur_pos], 0

BigLoop:                  ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+A1j
    mov eax, [ebp+string]
    push  eax
    call  _strlen
    add esp, 4
    cmp [ebp+cur_pos], eax
    jnb short Return
    mov eax, [ebp+cur_pos]
    xor edx, edx
    mov ecx, 80
    div ecx               ; DX:AX / CX => AX (remainder=>DX)
    mov [ebp+offset], edx
    mov [ebp+Count], 0
    mov [ebp+Flag], 0

Decod_loop:               ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+82j
    cmp [ebp+Count], 95
    jnb short done
    cmp [ebp+Flag], 0
    jnz short done
    mov edx, [ebp+string]
    add edx, [ebp+cur_pos]
    movsx eax, byte ptr [edx]
    mov ecx, [ebp+Count]
    imul  ecx, 320
    mov edx, [ebp+offset]
    cmp eax, CryptTable[ecx+edx*4]
    jnz short loc_0_418C8D
    mov [ebp+Flag], 1
    jmp short loc_0_418C96

loc_0_418C8D:             ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+6Ej
    mov eax, [ebp+Count]
    add eax, 1
    mov [ebp+Count], eax

loc_0_418C96:             ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+77j
    jmp short Decod_loop

done:                     ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+4Aj
                          ; Decode_String+50j
    cmp [ebp+Flag], 0
    jz  short loc_0_418CAC
    mov ecx, [ebp+Count]
    add ecx, 20h
    mov edx, [ebp+string]
    add edx, [ebp+cur_pos]
    mov [edx], cl

loc_0_418CAC:              ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+88j
    mov eax, [ebp+cur_pos]
    add eax, 1
    mov [ebp+cur_pos], eax
    jmp BigLoop

Return:                    ; CODE XREF: Decode_String+Cj
                           ; Decode_String+27j
    mov esp, ebp
    pop ebp
Decode_String endp
This function is called several times, always from the same subroutine which seems to carry the parsing of the engine2.dat file. On entry, arg_0 point to a crypted string which will be decrypted on exit.
The encryption sheme looks like what i'll call (I lack the correct term) a position dependent permutation : each char in the original string get replaced by another one (permutation) and the replacement character depend on the current position in the string (position dependent).
Let's translate this into some C code so we can try to decipher that engine2.dat file on our own :
void decode_line(char* string)
  int cur_pos=0;

  while (cur_pos<strlen(string)) {  //Big Loop
   int offset=cur_pos%80;
   int Count=0;
   bool Flag=false;

   while((Count<=95) && !Flag) {
     if (string[cur_pos]==CryptTable[Count*320+offset*4]) Flag=true;
         else Count++;
   if (Flag==true) {
Here is an extract of the crypted file (on left), along with the same snippet decrypted by the above function (on right).


[AltaVista - Web]
EngineName=AltaVista - Web
[next >>]

Woooowww, how nice ! The first things that pop to the eyes is that nice Action url along with the Boolean operators supported. But we don't see any immediate traces of any result page parsing rule, ie, anything that could tell lexibot where, in the result page, to find valuable info like url, title, summary, ranking, ... Ok, let's keep that in mind for later.
Decrypting the whole engine2.dat file gives the same details for almost 600 engines. Not bad for a little reversing effort :-)

Note that if you want to decrypt the file by yourself, you'll need not only the above decode_line() function but also the permutation table itself. You can find it in lexibot.exe from offset 0x0DB1B0 up to 0x0E286F (7600 dwords).

So now we have almost 600 search engines urls along with the correct query syntax (and even with some categorization, see below Practical application). But the next question is : How the hell do they extract information from the results pages ? After spending some times trying to figure out where they hide their parsing rules, it becomes obvious that there were NO parsing rules involved. So, you probably wonder how they manages to extract valuable info from the search engines ?
Well the answer is quite simple actually. The only thing lexibot wants from the search engine are urls to possible matching pages. It doesn't care about any summary, ranking, whatever else provided by the search engines.
Roughly, what lexibot does is to first build a table of each and every links -url and text anchor (the string between <a> and </a>)- it found in the results page. Then it search for any 'more results' page by keeping only the links that either matches the AdditionalUrlList values (against the url) or either match the AdditionalTextList values (against the text anchor).
Now, in order to keep only the links pointing to actual results (and throwing away any useless link), it uses the SiteUrlFilters and SiteTextFilters to keep only the interesting links. Every link that match a filter rule is simply discarded.
And that's all ! The parsing is done.
Finally lexibot can fetch the actual matching pages pointed by the search engine and compute on its own all necessary information like title, summary, ranking, ...

Practical application

We now have a plain text file containing all the data necessary for lexibot to support all those engines. Unfortunately, it seems that this file isn't quite up to date (it was last released in july 2000). So you may want to update it on your own. Or you may even want to add some new engines to the list. Nothing easier ! Just edit the plain text file and it's done. But you'll tell me that we have to encrypt the file before it can be used by lexibot. No sir ! Simply name it engine2.une and it works ! Indeed, before checking for the engine2.dat file, lexibot first check for a engine2.une file (une probably means unencrypted, hehe) and if it exists, it opens that one.
Ok, let's do something practical. We'll add Searchlores's namazu engine to the lists. For this, we will write a new section to engine2.une.
The first lines are quite easy to figure out. They should look something like :

[Namazu - Searchlores]        
EngineName=Namazu - Searchlores
Now we have to tell lexibot which links to consider as matching results, which links to eventually follow for 'more results' and which links to discard.
how to search
This tells lexibot to consider all links containing &whence= as links to more results. All links pointing to /cgi/bin/ or having the strings 'searchlores.org' or 'how to search' as anchor will be ignored as they don't actually point to matching pages.
Now, before that new engine can actually be used by lexibot, we need to define into which category it belong. Although there is a Category line into each engine2.une sections, it seems lexibot doesn't use it. Checking the other files around (or reading the documentation) we find another file 'engine.gdb' which defines each and every Engines Group recognized by lexibot. So we'll add our own group. Simply add the following lines at the beginning of the [Engine Groups] section :
My Own=
Namazu - Searchlores
This will create a new group, named 'My Own', which contain a single search engine, namazu (of course you could add 'Namazu - Searchlores' to an already existing group).
Now you can launch lexibot, select 'My Own' as the source to search and send a query to searchlores.
Note : If you carefully compare the results returned by lexibot against those you get from a direct namazu query, you'll see that they aren't COMPLETE (this is especially the case when many pages matches your query). The only explanation i have for this is because when lexibot extract the 'more results' links from the first page it end up with a lot of links to follow. Indeed, there is no 'Next' link in the namazu result page, so I couldn't restrict the 'more result' link to only one page at a time. Let's take an example : Imagine that, when fetching the first result page, lexibot found 4 links pointing to results pages 2, 3, 4, 5. There is no way for lexibot to know that page 2 contain results of higher importance than page 5. So he consider them to be of same 'ranking level' and thus in place of first fetching all the matching pages from result page 2 then all from result page 3 and so on, it will fetch the x first matching pages from page 2 then the x first matching pages from page 3, ... This seems to cause lexibot to skip some matching pages. Although I suppose there is a way to prevent this (there is one, is it ?) the only solution i see would be to ask namazu to return for example 100 results and then prevent lexibot from following any 'more results' link.
Anyway, you can experiment on your own if you want.

Also, while writting this essay, I wondered what to do with those 600 urls. Browsing through the engine2.une file isn't quite easy. So I thought about formatting it into a nice html table which could be put online. But this wouldn't take any advantages of all the categorization information stored into engine.gdb and wouldn't make it very usefull. So I end up with a little php script which will parse both the engine2.une and the [Engine Group] section of engine.gdb to generate a nice dynamic html table presenting all the engines related to a user-selectable category.
I didn't tried to optimize the script nor to optimize the file format (in order to easily update it whenever a new engine2.dat file comes out). So the script is actually slow. But you can easily download it and run it on your local machine :-). I don't plan to maintain this list of urls, but if you have any additions or corrections, I could update it from times to times. Or even better : you may try to send them to lexibot people themselves :-)


Lexibot's basic idea (fetching each and every matching page) is quite interesting. Indeed it allows operators that are not commonly supported by classical search engine like NEAR, AFTER, BEFORE to be fully supported by lexibot. For this, a minimal subsuming query (ie, replacing proximity operators by AND) is sent to the search engines. Then, once the possible matching pages are fetched, distance between words can be computed. This allow lexibot to evaluate the proximity operators in order to discard some non-fully matching pages.

On the other hand, such an implementation wouldn't fit well into the oslse project which main objective is to offer an on-line meta-search engine. Beeing online, it should avoid any time and bandwidth consuming tasks like fetching so many pages, most of the time only to compute information already available on the search engine results page. However, we could implement this fetching feature in a second phase in order to refine the search over a small user-definable subset of the initial results.

This point of view seems to be shared by wayoutthere :
This tool would seem to be a bandwidth hog, and also there is another view to be held. When you do a query, it gets all the pages on the link pages (upto 100).
So what is the big deal you ask?
When it was getting those pages, your details were placed in the logs for each and every page grabbed. Pages that held no interest for you and which would have been discarded whilst scanning through the results by eye have been grabbed and retrieved.
From my own experiences you always turn up a lot of dummy results, especially if the search is on a subject with widely used keywords. Do you really want every single page in the results to be grabbed? Your tracks to be placed on all those web servers that you never have and may never visit again, you didnt visit it but your bot did and it left tracks all over(unless you were careful).
Another side effect of this process is that if you use a proxy, and rely on the cached pages to store information then this process can wipe out entries which you intended to keep.
This also becomes a problem if any of the target pages are large files which can make the search process a lot slower while they are retrieved. This is more of a consideration for modem users, but they still number the most around the world.
I agree that the best approach would be to grab the results, rank them and then on a selected subset, retrieve them and perform another level of processing on them to get the results wanted. This can be done by using a local search tool to search the files themselves once they are present on the local machine, which allows almost any type of search imaginable and will be very configurable as it is locally controlled.

Well, what else to say ? Not much actually. I would just point out once again that I wouldn't have written this essay if wayoutthere didn't posted that message on the messageboard. And he wouldn't have written his own essay (that I hope you have now read) if I didn't wrote this one and asked his comments on it.
So, who said that messageboard aren't that useful ? :-)

Thank you for reading this essay, hope it was worth it.

(c) Laurent 2001

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