/* nbbw.c January 3, 2005 Scroogle Scraper Released to the public domain for nonprofit use by Public Information Research, Inc., San Antonio, Texas. What is the legal situation with scraping Google? Google provides a version of their main index to the public that is free of ads. This is at www.google.com/ie on all of their data centers. It is apparently used by some versions of Explorer for some feature. The point is, Google provides this for public use, and it is listed in the Google Directory as a "bare bones interface that returns only page titles." (The snippets are there but you don't see them until you mouse-over in Explorer.) This version of Google is quite stable and easy to scrape. Nothing has changed on the formatting of these pages for 2.5 years. Therefore, we contend that the ad-free results offered by this scraper do not do anything that Google itself does not do. We merely make their /ie interface more attractive and useful. Public Information Research, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit, tax-exempt public charity with annual revenue of under $20,000. We ran this proxy openly on Google Watch for two years without any complaints from Google. However, our Scroogle site at one point was running a side-by-side filter demonstration that was blocked by Google in December, 2003. That was different from this program. This one is the straight proxy that began running in September, 2002 on Google Watch. Within one year, we averaged about 5,000 searches per day. When Google blocked Scroogle, the Scroogle program was switched to a different server. One characteristic of that server was that the IP address that showed up at Google when we used curl or wget to fetch a search, just happened to be on a different Class C than all of our domains on that dedicated server. This meant that Google could no longer block us merely by blocking the Class C that they knew about. Instead, they'd have to do a huge number of experiments to discover our address. That's how we went around Google's blocking. We never heard from Google's lawyers; they never complained to us even though they knew about us and knew where to find us. Legally, Google probably has the right to block anyone they want. And legally, we believe that as a tiny nonprofit with an interest in Google's violations of privacy, we have the right to access Google's publicly- available data any way we want. If you want to argue about copyright, then let's start with the fact that Google scrapes billions of web pages and doesn't ask permission before making the cache copies available. This scraping is used as a carrier for the ads that make Google stinkin' rich. Now that, in our opinion, is an interesting copyright issue. As this is written, Google has a market cap of $55 billion. This exceeds the market cap of General Motors and Ford combined. Google is probably the single largest information resource on the planet, and they're getting rich off of us. It's time for Google to give something back to the public sector. We claim that "fair use" is involved when a nonprofit scrapes Google. We do it for privacy reasons, because Google has been utterly unresponsive to privacy issues. Our activity is completely unobtrusive to Google's operations. We even spread our tiny load across more than a dozen of Google's data centers. Do not use this program if you have the intention of making money from it. Do not show ads on your site if you use this program on your site. By showing ads, you hand Google a legal argument for issuing a cease and desist against your scraping. By separating your scraping from anything that provides income or profit, you stand a better chance of prevailing in court under a "fair use" argument. At PIR we think it would be splendid if scraping Google for nonprofit purposes, and stripping out their wretched advertising, was established someday as an acceptable, legal practice. That's our opinion, for what it's worth. -- Daniel Brandt, PIR president and programmer ____________ start of program: Runs on GNU-Linux, compiles with gcc. NOTE: unsigned char is the typecast used for all "char" in this program, which allows the use of ASCII range 160-255 that is defined in ISO 8859-1. Change history: 2005-01-11: Some have requested a "bookmark" or "shortcut" capability, so two doorway pages are now offered. One uses GET and one uses the original POST. This program was modified to first check for valid search terms in a QUERY_STRING. If that fails, then the readpost() function is called to check for valid terms using the POST method. 2005-01-12: After perusing the Firefox search plugin literature, which uses the GET method, two alterations were made to expand this method in this proxy. a) Either Gw= or q= is okay after the question mark in this program (the latter is typically used by Google); and b) the QUERY_STRING is terminated on the first '&' to truncate anything inserted by a plugin that we cannot use, and would cause the input string to fail our tests if included. 2004-01-13: A test-mode option for running the program from the command line instead of through Apache is available by uncommenting six lines in the main() function. The search terms are passed to the program as an argument, and the fork to curl is done to fetch the results from Google. Note that your directory paths will be different than ours, and this test mode is no substitute for first studying this program to determine what changes may be required to make it work on your system. */ #include#include #include #include #include #include #include /* needed for ftable in repeater() */ #include /* needed for waitpid() */ #include /* needed for waitpid() */ #include /* needed to kill() hung child */ struct linearray { unsigned char s[ 1001 ]; }; struct linearray *arl; /* 1001 * 102 = 102,102 */ struct tarray { unsigned char s[ 99 ]; }; struct tarray *term; /* highlight up to 4 search terms (5th = null) */ unsigned char *bufin; /* two 4096 buffers for heavy lifting */ unsigned char *bufout; unsigned char *co1; /* another two for colorizing */ unsigned char *co2; unsigned char *genv1; unsigned char *genv2; unsigned char *genv3; unsigned char *genv5; unsigned char *genv90; unsigned char *genv91; unsigned char *input; int denied, toparl, nogoogresult, oldsearch, timesecs; unsigned char linebuf[ 151 ], resource[ 256 ], title[ 151 ], hijacker[ 81 ]; unsigned char linebuf2[ 151 ], lineone[ 31 ], logbuf[ 250 ]; unsigned char savedomain[ 81 ]; /* abuser() sets this from environment */ unsigned char savequad[ 20 ]; /* abuser() sets this from environment */ unsigned char shortquad[ 20 ]; /* abuser() sets this from environment */ unsigned char cr[] = { "\n" }; /* newline char for string concatenation */ unsigned char wdump[ 40 ]; /* curl dumps to this temporary file */ unsigned char errorterm[ 90 ]; /* info on errorout() condition */ unsigned char magurl[ 401 ]; /* extract magenta url line from bufin */ time_t t2log; pid_t procid; void abuser( void ); void readpost( void ); void monitor( void ); void decode( int mode ); void encode( void ); void nblogging( void ); void errorout( void ); void noresults( void ); void parselines( void ); void stripper( void ); void getwget( void ); void newform( void ); void drivecolor( void ); void drivebold( void ); void ampstrip( void ); void getterms( char *allterm ); void colorize( int ele ); void forkit( void ); void loadcheck( void ); void concaturl( void ); void overload( void ); void fixgoo( void ); void repeater( void ); /* ________________________________________________________ FUNCTION MAIN */ int main( int argc, char *argv[] ) { int w, badget = 0; bufin = (char *) malloc( (size_t)sizeof( char ) * 4096 ); bufout = (char *) malloc( (size_t)sizeof( char ) * 4096 ); co1 = (char *) malloc( (size_t)sizeof( char ) * 4096 ); co2 = (char *) malloc( (size_t)sizeof( char ) * 4096 ); term = (struct tarray *) malloc( (size_t)sizeof( struct tarray ) * 5 ); arl = (struct linearray *) malloc( (size_t)sizeof( struct linearray ) * 102 ); time( &t2log ); strncpy( logbuf, ctime( &t2log ) + 4, 15 ); logbuf[ 15 ] = '\0'; timesecs = atoi( logbuf + 13 ); /* used to select the IP address */ logbuf[ 12 ] = ' '; logbuf[ 13 ] = '\0'; /* leave it ready for future use */ if( arl == NULL ) { strcpy( errorterm, "malloc failure" ); errorout(); } procid = getpid(); /* for setting up temporary filename */ sprintf( wdump, "/home/slops/scslop/wg%d", procid ); abuser(); /* gets domains, checks for locked out domains */ loadcheck(); /* checks for heavy load on server */ // For testing purposes, the following six lines can be uncommented and the // program run from the command line by adding a search term as an argument. // For example: nbbw.cgi Gw=scroogle+scraper >test.html // If the required external files are set up properly, you should find the // scraped Google results for the term "scroogle scraper" in test.html. // Line one will show Content-type: text/html, line two is blank, and the // remainder of the file is the scraped results as shown to the end user. // Once this works, all that remains is to get Apache to accept it. Make // a test html page with a form on it and try to execute it through the web. // // if( argc == 2 ) // { // strcpy( bufout, "QUERY_STRING=" ); // strcat( bufout, argv[ 1 ] ); // putenv( bufout ); // } bufin[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( ( genv3 = getenv( "QUERY_STRING" ) ) != NULL ) strncpy( bufin, genv3, 4094 ); if( bufin[ 0 ] ) /* test #1 */ { if( strncmp( bufin, "Gw=", 3 ) ) /* no "Gw=" in front */ { if( strncmp( bufin, "q=", 2 ) ) /* change history 2005-01-12 */ badget = 1; } } else badget = 1; /* bufin is empty */ if( !badget ) /* test #2 */ { for( w = 2; bufin[ w ]; w++ ) /* change history 2005-01-12 */ { if( bufin[ w ] == '&' ) { bufin[ w ] = '\0'; break; } } w = strlen( bufin ); if( w < 5 || w > 80 ) badget = 1; /* fails range test */ else { if( bufin[ 0 ] == 'G' ) strncpy( linebuf, bufin + 3, 80 ); /* strip Gw= from front */ else if( bufin[ 0 ] == 'q' ) strncpy( linebuf, bufin + 2, 80 ); /* strip q= from front */ linebuf[ 80 ] = '\0'; } } if( badget ) readpost(); /* QUERY_STRING failed; try POST next */ bufin[ 0 ] = '\0'; decode( 1 ); /* double decode is recommended */ decode( 2 ); stripper(); /* take out hacker mischief */ encode(); /* returns with resource string */ repeater(); /* has this exact search been done recently? */ monitor(); /* check for > 10 per hour */ if( !oldsearch ) forkit(); getwget(); parselines(); /* parse and output array */ nblogging(); exit( 0 ); } /* ___________________________________________________________ END MAIN */ /* ______________________________________________________ FUNCTION ABUSER */ void abuser( void ) { int hit = 0, x, y = 0, f, g = 0, len; unsigned char logabu[ 81 ]; static FILE *file90; static FILE *file94; /* If the referrer is in /gcslop/refdeny, we exit immediately with a "Forbidden." This is in case of a major hijacking incident. */ hijacker[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( ( genv5 = getenv( "HTTP_REFERER" ) ) != NULL ) { strncpy( hijacker, genv5, 78 ); hijacker[ 78 ] = '\0'; } if( !strncmp( hijacker, "http://www.scroogle.org", 23 ) ) hijacker[ 0 ] = '\0'; else if( !strncmp( hijacker, "http://scroogle.org", 19 ) ) hijacker[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( strlen( hijacker ) > 7 ) { if( ( file94 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/refdeny", "rb" ) ) != NULL ) { fgets( logabu, 79, file94 ); while( !feof( file94 ) ) { len = strlen( logabu ); if( len > 2 ) { logabu[ len - 1 ] = '\0'; if( strstr( hijacker, logabu ) != NULL ) { fclose( file94 ); fputs( "Content-type: text/html\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); fputs( " Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server.\n", stdout ); /* cannot log here because we don't have our savedomain or savequad yet */ exit( 0 ); } } fgets( logabu, 79, file94 ); } fclose( file94 ); } } else hijacker[ 0 ] = '\0'; savequad[ 0 ] = '\0'; bufin[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( ( genv91 = getenv( "REMOTE_ADDR" ) ) != NULL ) strcpy( bufin, genv91 ); if( bufin[ 0 ] ) { bufin[ 19 ] = '\0'; strcpy( savequad, bufin ); bufin[ 0 ] = '\0'; } if( ( genv90 = getenv( "REMOTE_HOST" ) ) != NULL ) strcpy( bufin, genv90 ); if( bufin[ 0 ] ) { bufin[ 79 ] = '\0'; strcpy( savedomain, bufin ); } else { if( savequad[ 0 ] ) strcpy( savedomain, savequad ); else strcpy( savedomain, "remote not found" ); } if( savequad[ 0 ] ) { strcpy( shortquad, savequad ); for( x = 1; shortquad[ x ]; x++ ) { if( shortquad[ x ] == '.' ) { y++; if( y == 3 ) shortquad[ x + 1 ] = '\0'; } } } else return; /* If the Class C is in /scslop/abuser, we exit with a "Too busy." If there is an asterisk after it, we exit with a "Forbidden." */ strcat( shortquad, "\n" ); /* short quad is the Class C */ if( ( file90 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/abuser", "rb" ) ) == NULL ) return; fgets( logabu, 79, file90 ); while( !feof( file90 ) ) { if( logabu[ strlen( logabu ) - 2 ] == '*' ) { f = 1; logabu[ strlen( logabu ) - 1 ] = '\0'; } else f = 0; x = strlen( logabu ); logabu[ x - 1 ] = '\0'; /* strip off \n or '*' */ if( logabu[ x - 2 ] == '.' ) { if( strstr( shortquad, logabu ) != NULL ) { hit = 1; if( f ) g = 1; } } else { if( strstr( savedomain, logabu ) != NULL ) { hit = 1; if( f ) g = 1; } } fgets( logabu, 79, file90 ); } fclose( file90 ); if( hit ) { if( g ) { fputs( "Content-type: text/html\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); fputs( "Forbidden
You don't have permission to access /cgi-bin/ on this server.\n", stdout ); } else { fputs( "Content-type: text/plain\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); fputs( "Server too busy.\n\n", stdout ); } exit( 0 ); } } /* _________________________________________________________ END ABUSER */ /* _____________________________________________________ FUNCTION MONITOR */ void monitor( void ) { /* the monitor file is emptied once an hour by a different program that runs under cron */ int cnt = 0, thresh; static FILE *file92; static FILE *file93; strcpy( bufout, shortquad ); bufout[ strlen( bufout ) - 1 ] = '\0'; if( bufout[ 0 ] ) strcat( bufout, "F\n" ); else strcpy( bufout, "goo.local.F\n" ); if( ( file92 = fopen( "/home/slops/nbslop2/monitor", "rb" ) ) == NULL ) return; fgets( linebuf, 79, file92 ); while( !feof( file92 ) ) { if( !strcmp( bufout, linebuf ) ) cnt++; fgets( linebuf, 79, file92 ); } fclose( file92 ); /* if they repeat searches I try to give them a break on the usual threshold, but I still have to count any oldsearch in case of a runaway browser that keeps looping on the same search */ if( !oldsearch ) thresh = 19; else thresh = 25; if( cnt > thresh ) { fputs( "Content-type: text/html\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); fputs( "Scroogle Proxy \n", stdout ); fputs( "Sorry, but we have a limit of 20 searches per hour per user due to our limited bandwidth.\n", stdout ); fputs( "\n\n\n\n", stdout ); denied = 1; nblogging(); exit( 0 ); } else { if( ( file93 = fopen( "/home/slops/nbslop2/monitor", "ab" ) ) == NULL ) return; fputs( bufout, file93 ); fclose( file93 ); } } /* ________________________________________________________ END MONITOR */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION READPOST */ void readpost( void ) { int x, conlen = 0; if( ( genv1 = getenv( "REQUEST_METHOD" ) ) == NULL ) { strcpy( errorterm, "no REQUEST_METHOD" ); errorout(); } strcpy( bufin, genv1 ); if( strcmp( bufin, "POST" ) ) { strcpy( errorterm, "no POST" ); errorout(); } if( ( genv2 = getenv( "CONTENT_LENGTH" ) ) == NULL ) { strcpy( errorterm, "no CONTENT_LENGTH" ); errorout(); } conlen = atoi( genv2 ); if( conlen < 6 || conlen > 80 ) { sprintf( errorterm, "conlen=%d", conlen ); errorout(); } input = (char *) malloc( (size_t)sizeof( char ) * conlen + 1 ); x = fread( input, (size_t)sizeof( char ), conlen, stdin ); if( x != conlen ) { sprintf( errorterm, "x=%d conlen=%d", x, conlen ); errorout(); } else { input[ conlen ] = '\0'; if( strncmp( input, "Gw=", 3 ) ) /* no Gw= in front */ { strcpy( errorterm, "no Gw=" ); errorout(); } strncpy( linebuf, input + 3, 80 ); /* strip Gw= from front */ linebuf[ 80 ] = '\0'; } } /* _______________________________________________________ END READPOST */ /* ______________________________________________________ FUNCTION DECODE */ void decode( int mode ) { int x, y; long int z; unsigned char tembuf[ 151 ]; unsigned char hexnum[] = " "; char *endhex; /* strtol() requires char, not unsigned char */ /* special decoder: comes in linebuf and goes out in linebuf */ y = 0; for( x = 0; linebuf[ x ]; x++ ) { if( linebuf[ x ] == '%' ) { hexnum[ 0 ] = linebuf[ x + 1 ]; hexnum[ 1 ] = linebuf[ x + 2 ]; z = strtol( hexnum, &endhex, 16 ); tembuf[ y ] = (unsigned char)z; y++; x += 2; } else { tembuf[ y ] = linebuf[ x ]; if( tembuf[ y ] == '+' && mode == 1 ) tembuf[ y ] = ' '; y++; } } tembuf[ y ] = '\0'; strcpy( linebuf, tembuf ); } /* _________________________________________________________ END DECODE */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION STRIPPER */ void stripper( void ) { /* Input arrives in linebuf and leaves in linebuf. */ int x, y, z; static char ok_chars[] = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ1234567890\"@#_-. :',?/~&;+"; unsigned char linebuf1[ 151 ]; unsigned char *cp1; for( x = 0; linebuf[ x ]; x++ ) { if( (int)linebuf[ x ] > 159 ) /* accept ISO 8859-1 characters */ continue; cp1 = strchr( ok_chars, linebuf[ x ] ); if( cp1 == NULL ) linebuf[ x ] = ' '; } strcpy( linebuf1, linebuf ); /* copy to buffer */ y = 0; /* close up contiguous spaces */ z = 0; for( x = 0; linebuf1[ x ]; x++ ) { if( linebuf1[ x ] == ' ' ) { if( z ) continue; z = 1; } else z = 0; linebuf[ y ] = linebuf1[ x ]; y++; } linebuf[ y ] = '\0'; if( linebuf[ y - 1 ] == ' ' ) { y--; linebuf[ y ] = '\0'; } if( linebuf[ 0 ] == ' ' ) { strcpy( linebuf1, linebuf + 1 ); strcpy( linebuf, linebuf1 ); y--; } if( y < 3 ) { sprintf( errorterm, "y<3: *%s*", linebuf ); errorout(); } } /* _______________________________________________________ END STRIPPER */ /* ______________________________________________________ FUNCTION ENCODE */ void encode( void ) { int x, z; unsigned char temp1[] = { "%" }; unsigned char temp2[ 10 ]; z = 0; for( x = 0; linebuf[ x ] != '\0'; x++ ) { if( !isalnum( linebuf[ x ] ) ) { if( linebuf[ x ] == ' ' ) { linebuf2[ z ] = '+'; z++; continue; } sprintf( temp2, "%X", linebuf[ x ] ); linebuf2[ z ] = '\0'; strcat( linebuf2, temp1 ); strcat( linebuf2, temp2 ); z += 3; continue; } linebuf2[ z ] = linebuf[ x ]; z++; } linebuf2[ z ] = '\0'; /* QUERY_STRING keyword segment now ready */ } /* _________________________________________________________ END ENCODE */ /* ___________________________________________________ FUNCTION NBLOGGING */ void nblogging( void ) { static FILE *file10; strcat( logbuf, savedomain ); if( !denied || denied == 3 ) strcat( logbuf, " G s p " ); else if( denied == 1 ) strcat( logbuf, " G s denied " ); else if( denied == 2 ) { strcat( logbuf, " G s e " ); strcat( logbuf, errorterm ); strcat( logbuf, " " ); } if( hijacker[ 0 ] ) { strcat( logbuf, "hijack:" ); strcat( logbuf, hijacker ); strcat( logbuf, " " ); } if( strcmp( savedomain, savequad ) ) strcat( logbuf, savequad ); if( lineone[ 0 ] ) { strcat( logbuf, " " ); strcat( logbuf, lineone ); } strcat( logbuf, cr ); if( strlen( logbuf ) > 148 ) { logbuf[ 147 ] = '\n'; logbuf[ 148 ] = '\0'; } if( ( file10 = fopen( "/home/slops/nbslop2/nblog3", "ab" ) ) == NULL ) return; fputs( logbuf, file10 ); fclose( file10 ); logbuf[ 13 ] = '\0'; /* leave it ready for future use */ } /*_______________________________________________________ END NBLOGGING */ /* _____________________________________________________ FUNCTION GETWGET */ void getwget( void ) { int y; unsigned char *cp1, *cp2; static FILE *file31; static FILE *file85; if( ( file31 = fopen( wdump, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) { strcpy( errorterm, "fixgoo" ); denied = 2; nblogging(); denied = 0; fixgoo(); /* file missing! try one more time */ if( ( file31 = fopen( wdump, "rb" ) ) == NULL ) { if( ( file85 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/terms", "ab" ) ) != NULL ) { sprintf( linebuf, "%s 000 timeout %s\n", logbuf, lineone ); fputs( linebuf, file85 ); fclose( file85 ); } strcat( errorterm, " wdump not found" ); errorout(); } } fgets( bufout, 4094, file31 ); while( !feof( file31 ) ) { if( !title[ 0 ] ) { cp1 = strstr( bufout, "" ); if( cp1 != NULL ) { strncpy( title, cp1 + 7, 149 ); title[ 149 ] = '\n'; title[ 150 ] = '\0'; cp2 = strstr( title, " " ); if( cp2 != NULL ) *( cp2 ) = '\0'; y = strlen( title ); if( title[ y - 1 ] == '\n' ) /* no termination on title */ { title[ y - 1 ] = '\0'; if( title[ y - 2 ] == '\r' ) title[ y - 2 ] = '\0'; } } } if( strstr( bufout, " " */ arl[ toparl ].s[ 997 ] = '\n'; arl[ toparl ].s[ 998 ] = '\0'; if( toparl < 101 ) toparl++; } fgets( bufout, 4094, file31 ); } fclose( file31 ); /* Normally we might remove( wdump ) here, but in this program the wdump files are removed once per hour by an external program running on a cron job that does a system( "rm /scslop/wg*" ). */ if( !toparl ) noresults(); } /* ________________________________________________________ END GETWGET */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION ERROROUT */ void errorout( void ) { fputs( "Content-type: text/html\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); fputs( "\n\n\n", stdout ); fputs( "Scroogle Proxy \n", stdout ); fputs( "
\n", stdout ); fputs( "\n", stdout ); fputs( " Sorry, but we are unable to provide results from Google.
Most errors that we see are because we strip out\n", stdout ); fputs( "everything except common 8-bit characters
from your search terms.\n", stdout ); fputs( "Three or more characters must remain before we pass them along.
\n", stdout ); fputs( "Browsers set for languages that do not use the ISO-8859-1 character\n", stdout ); fputs( "set will not work.
Sometimes our fetch from Google just times\n", stdout ); fputs( "out, and you should try again.\n", stdout ); fputs( "Back to search page\n", stdout ); fputs( " \n\n\n", stdout ); if( !denied ) /* if error not otherwise specified */ { denied = 2; if( !errorterm[ 0 ] ) strcpy( errorterm, "**" ); } nblogging(); exit( 0 ); } /* _______________________________________________________ END ERROROUT */ /* ___________________________________________________ FUNCTION NORESULTS */ void noresults( void ) { static FILE *file86; if( !title[ 0 ] ) strcpy( title, "Scroogle Proxy" ); fputs( "Content-type: text/html\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); printf( "\n\n\n
%s \n\n\n\n", title ); printf( "%s\n\n\n", stdout ); if( ( file86 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/terms", "ab" ) ) != NULL ) { strcpy( linebuf, logbuf ); strcat( linebuf, " 000" ); if( lineone[ 0 ] ) { strcat( linebuf, " " ); strcat( linebuf, lineone ); } strcat( linebuf, cr ); fputs( linebuf, file86 ); fclose( file86 ); } denied = 3; nblogging(); exit( 0 ); } /* ______________________________________________________ END NORESULTS */ /* __________________________________________________ FUNCTION PARSELINES */ void parselines( void ) { int q; unsigned char *cp1; /* bufin will be the number and the anchor; bufout will be the snippet */ /*", title ); fputs( "Google returned no results for this search.\n", stdout ); newform(); fputs( "\n
\nBack to search page", stdout ); fputs( "\n
1. Welcome to viagra.com
*/ /* neither bufin nor bufout will be terminated after they are stuffed */ fputs( "Content-type: text/html\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); if( !title[ 0 ] ) strcpy( title, "Scroogle Proxy" ); fputs( "\n\n\n", stdout ); printf( "%s \n\n\n", title ); printf( "\n%s\n\n\n", stdout ); } /* _____________________________________________________ END PARSELINES */ /* _____________________________________________________ FUNCTION NEWFORM */ void newform( void ) { /* provides a new form with values set */ unsigned char *instr3; instr3 = strchr( title, ':' ); if( instr3 == NULL ) return; fputs( "\n", title ); if( lineone[ 0 ] ) printf( "IP for this search %s
\n", lineone ); else fputs( "
\n", stdout ); cp1 = strchr( title, ':' ); if( cp1 != NULL ) getterms( cp1 + 2 ); for( q = 0; q < toparl; q++ ) { /* if the line had to be truncated, it's not usable */ if( strlen( arl[ q ].s ) > 990 ) continue; strcpy( bufin, arl[ q ].s ); cp1 = strstr( bufin, "' ); if( cp1 == NULL ) continue; *( cp1 ) = '"'; /* we've changed > to " and terminated bufin */ *( cp1 + 1 ) = '\0'; cp1 = strchr( arl[ q ].s, '>' ); /* now backtrack; we lost a char */ strcat( bufin, cp1 ); cp1 = strstr( bufin, "" ); if( cp1 == NULL ) continue; *( cp1 ) = '\0'; drivecolor(); concaturl(); printf( "%s\n%s%s
\n", bufin, bufout, magurl ); } newform(); fputs( "\n\n \n", stdout ); } /* ________________________________________________________ END NEWFORM */ /* __________________________________________________ FUNCTION DRIVECOLOR */ void drivecolor( void ) { /* 1. Replace all & with & 2. Parse search terms into term[ 0-3 ].s */ int f = 0; // printf( "\n===============>*%s*\n", bufout ); ampstrip(); while( term[ f ].s[ 0 ] ) { /* send bufout to colorize( f ); it returns in bufout */ if( f > 0 ) { /* skip if term is in this string */ if( strstr( "style_color_black_background", term[ f ].s ) == NULL ) colorize( f ); } else colorize( f ); f++; } // printf( "\n+++++++++++++++>*%s*\n", bufout ); } /* _____________________________________________________ END DRIVECOLOR */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION AMPSTRIP */ void ampstrip( void ) { unsigned char *cp9; cp9 = strstr( bufout, "&" ); while( cp9 != NULL ) { *( cp9 + 1 ) = '\0'; strcat( bufout, cp9 + 5 ); cp9 = strstr( bufout, "&" ); } } /* _______________________________________________________ END AMPSTRIP */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION COLORIZE */ void colorize( int e ) { int r, off = 0, tt; unsigned char *cp7; /* we use co1 to get the strstr pointer; all actions are performed so as to preserve the UC/LC already in bufout by concatenating bufout into co2 */ co2[ 0 ] = '\0'; tt = strlen( term[ e ].s ); for( r = 0; bufout[ r ]; r++ ) co1[ r ] = tolower( bufout[ r ] ); co1[ r ] = '\0'; cp7 = strstr( co1, term[ e ].s ); /* off == 0 here */ while( cp7 != NULL ) { r = (int)( cp7 - co1 - off ); /* same as: - ( col + off ) */ strncat( co2, bufout + off, r ); strcat( co2, "" ); break; case 1: strcat( co2, "a0ffff\">" ); break; case 2: strcat( co2, "99ff99\">" ); break; case 3: strcat( co2, "ff9999\">" ); break; default: return; } strncat( co2, bufout + off + r, tt ); /* add the actual term */ strcat( co2, "" ); off = off + r + tt; cp7 = strstr( co1 + off, term[ e ].s ); } strcat( co2, bufout + off ); strcpy( bufout, co2 ); } /* _______________________________________________________ END COLORIZE */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION GETTERMS */ void getterms( char *allterm ) { /* fill term[0-3].s with parsing from allterm */ int x, y = 0, q = 0; unsigned char bf1[ 99 ], bf2[ 99 ]; unsigned char *cp6; strcpy( bf1, allterm ); /* change to lower case */ for( x = 0; bf1[ x ]; x++ ) bf2[ x ] = tolower( bf1[ x ] ); bf2[ x ] = '\0'; /* strip out any """ which appear instead of quotation marks */ cp6 = strstr( bf2, """ ); while( cp6 != NULL ) { *( cp6 + 1 ) = '\0'; /* leave just the '&' to mark spot */ strcat( bf2, cp6 + 6 ); cp6 = strstr( bf2, """ ); } for( x = 0; bf2[ x ]; x++ ) { if( bf2[ x ] == '&' ) { y++; continue; } if( bf2[ x ] == ' ' || bf2 [ x ] == '-' ) { if( y % 2 ) /* if y / 2 has remainder it's an odd number */ bf2[ x ] = '_'; } } y = strlen( bf2 ); x = strcspn( bf2, " -" ); /* space or hyphen are delimiters */ while( x < y ) { bf2[ x ] = '\0'; strcpy( term[ q ].s, bf2 ); strcpy( bf1, bf2 + x + 1 ); strcpy( bf2, bf1 ); y = strlen( bf2 ); x = strcspn( bf2, " -" ); q++; if( q == 3 ) /* term[4].s always remains null */ { bf2[ x ] = '\0'; break; } } strcpy( term[ q ].s, bf2 ); for( q = 0; q < 4; q++ ) { if( term[ q ].s[ 0 ] == '&' ) { strcpy( bf1, term[ q ].s + 1 ); y = strlen( bf1 ); if( bf1[ y - 1 ] == '&' ) bf1[ y - 1 ] = '\0'; for( y = 0; bf1[ y ]; y++ ) { if( bf1[ y ] == '_' ) bf1[ y ] = ' '; } strcpy( term[ q ].s, bf1 ); } } /* for( q = 0; q < 5; q++ ) printf( "\nterm %d = *%s*", q, term[ q ].s ); printf( "\n" ); */ } /* _______________________________________________________ END GETTERMS */ /* ______________________________________________________ FUNCTION FORKIT */ void forkit( void ) { int status, retval, cnt, lineno, y, totlines = 0; pid_t pid, wpid = 0; static FILE *file43; /* /scslop/goochkip is a manually-maintained file of working Google data centers, one IP address per line. A different program was written to check them once a day. An IP address is plucked from this file on a pseudo-randomly, based on the seconds past the current minute. */ lineone[ 0 ] = '\0'; if( ( file43 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/goochkip", "rb" ) ) != NULL ) { fgets( lineone, 29, file43 ); while( !feof( file43 ) ) /* first we get total lines in file */ { totlines++; fgets( lineone, 29, file43 ); } if( !totlines ) /* prevents floating point error if 0-byte file */ totlines = 1; y = timesecs % totlines; /* take the modulus */ if( !y ) y = totlines; rewind( file43 ); /* then we rewind and grab the line we want */ lineno = 1; fgets( lineone, 29, file43 ); while( !feof( file43 ) ) { if( lineno == y ) break; lineno++; fgets( lineone, 29, file43 ); } fclose( file43 ); } if( lineone[ 0 ] ) { lineone[ strlen( lineone ) - 1 ] = '\0'; strcpy( resource, "http://" ); strcat( resource, lineone ); strcat( resource, "/ie?q=" ); } else strcpy( resource, "http://www.google.com/ie?q=" ); strcat( resource, linebuf2 ); strcat( resource, "&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&btnG=Google+Search" ); /* curl is used to search Google. Depending on your cgi-bin permissions situation, you may need an extra copy of curl in the user's directory who owns the cgi-bin. Otherwise, some cgi-bin wrappers won't see the correct permissions on curl and Apache will most likely abort with a "Premature end of script headers" error. */ pid = fork(); if( pid == 0 ) execl( "/home/virtual/site4/fst/home/dbsc/curl", "/home/virtual/site4/fst/home/dbsc/curl", "-A", "' '", "-o", wdump, "-s", resource, NULL ); else if( pid == -1 ) return; else wpid = pid; for( cnt = 1; cnt < 60; cnt++ ) { usleep( 100000 ); retval = waitpid( -1, &status, WNOHANG ); if( retval == wpid ) return; } /* after 6 seconds, we still have no sign of returning */ kill( wpid, SIGKILL ); sleep( 1 ); remove( wdump ); /* remove if it's there; no harm done if it isn't */ } /* _________________________________________________________ END FORKIT */ /* ___________________________________________________ FUNCTION LOADCHECK */ void loadcheck( void ) { /* /namebase/loadlev is a file with load level thresholds for various programs. The one for this program has a 'w' in linebuf[ 7 ] */ double y, z; unsigned char upline[ 31 ]; static FILE *file23; static FILE *file24; static FILE *file89; y = 1.00; if( ( file23 = fopen( "/home/namebase/loadlev", "rb" ) ) == NULL ) return; fgets( linebuf, 79, file23 ); while( !feof( file23 ) ) { if( linebuf[ 0 ] == '#' ) { fgets( linebuf, 79, file23 ); continue; } if( linebuf[ 7 ] == 'w' ) { if( linebuf[ 9 ] == '=' ) { y = atof( linebuf + 10 ); break; } } fgets( linebuf, 79, file23 ); } fclose( file23 ); if( ( file24 = fopen( "/proc/loadavg", "rb" ) ) == NULL ) return; fgets( upline, 19, file24 ); fclose( file24 ); z = atof( upline ); if( z > y ) { fputs( "Content-type: text/html\n\n", stdout ); fflush( stdout ); overload(); strcat( logbuf, savedomain ); /* time stamp already in logbuf */ sprintf( upline, " nbbw overload %2.2f\n", z ); strcat( logbuf, upline ); if( ( file89 = fopen( "/home/slops/nbslop2/nblog3", "ab" ) ) == NULL ) return; fputs( logbuf, file89 ); fclose( file89 ); exit( 0 ); } } /* ______________________________________________________ END LOADCHECK */ /* ___________________________________________________ FUNCTION CONCATURL */ void concaturl( void ) { /* bufin arrives with a complete URL + anchor, with a item number in front. Extract the portion between the quotes and strip off the http:// and leave the URL only, with magenta formatting, in magurl variable. In the end, you want it to look like this:
www.google-watch.org Any magurl that ends up over 260 characters should be nulled. */ int e, f; unsigned char *cpq; magurl[ 0 ] = '\0'; cpq = strchr( bufin, '"' ); if( cpq == NULL ) return; strcpy( magurl, "
" ); strncat( magurl, cpq + 8, 349 ); /* strip "http:// in front */ f = strlen( magurl ); if( f < 6 ) { magurl[ 0 ] = '\0'; return; } for( e = 3; magurl[ e ] != '"' && magurl[ e ]; e++ ) ; magurl[ e ] = '\0'; if( e < 6 || e > 253 ) { magurl[ 0 ] = '\0'; return; } strcat( magurl, "" ); } /* ______________________________________________________ END CONCATURL */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION OVERLOAD */ void overload( void ) { fputs( "Scroogle proxy is overloaded
\n", stdout ); fputs( "\n", stdout ); fputs( " Our proxy is overloaded!
\n", stdout ); } /* _______________________________________________________ END OVERLOAD */ /* ______________________________________________________ FUNCTION FIXGOO */ void fixgoo( void ) { /* If wdump is missing, we try another fork for that file. We do a DNS lookup this time because that increases our chances of success (it's possible the IP number went out of service). */ int cnt2, status2; pid_t pid2, retval2; unsigned char tresource[ 151 ]; strcpy( lineone, "DNS lookup" ); strcpy( tresource, "http://www.google.com/ie?q=" ); strcat( tresource, linebuf2 ); strcat( tresource, "&num=100&hl=en&lr=&ie=ISO-8859-1&btnG=Google+Search" ); pid2 = fork(); if( pid2 == 0 ) execl( "/home/virtual/site4/fst/home/dbsc/curl", "/home/virtual/site4/fst/home/dbsc/curl", "-A", "' '", "-o", wdump, "-s", tresource, NULL ); else if( pid2 == -1 ) return; /* failed to fork */ for( cnt2 = 1; cnt2 < 60; cnt2++ ) { usleep( 100000 ); retval2 = waitpid( pid2, &status2, WNOHANG ); if( retval2 ) /* if nonzero it's child's pid; apparent success! */ return; } kill( pid2, SIGKILL ); /* after 6 seconds, no sign of fork returning */ sleep( 1 ); /* wait before you remove file */ remove( wdump ); } /* _________________________________________________________ END FIXGOO */ /* ____________________________________________________ FUNCTION REPEATER */ void repeater( void ) { /* This allows us to check the /scslop/terms file for duplicate searches. Many searchers repeat their search, usually inadvertently. By picking up these repeated searches from the local directory, it means we don't have to fork to Google again. Only the search terms are identified in /scslop/terms, without any IP addresses. In the /nbslop2/nblog3 file, only the IP addresses are identified, without any search terms. */ int slook; unsigned char iline[ 151 ], sterm[ 151 ], hitline[ 151 ]; unsigned char *cpz; struct stat ftable; static FILE *file87; static FILE *file88; if( ( file87 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/terms", "rb" ) ) == NULL ) return; hitline[ 0 ] = '\0'; strcpy( sterm, linebuf2 ); strcat( sterm, " wg" ); slook = strlen( sterm ); /* we only check the last 5000 bytes of the file (this number depends on your expected average traffic) */ if( fstat( fileno( file87 ), &ftable ) ) { fclose( file87 ); return; } if( ftable.st_size > 5000 ) { fseek( file87, ftable.st_size - 4999, SEEK_SET ); fgets( iline, 149, file87 ); /* throw out partial line */ } fgets( iline, 149, file87 ); /* first full line */ while( !feof( file87 ) ) { /* don't break on a match because we want the latest one in the file; earlier ones may already be deleted by our cron program */ if( !strncmp( iline + 13, sterm, slook ) ) strcpy( hitline, iline + 13 ); fgets( iline, 149, file87 ); } fclose( file87 ); if( !hitline[ 0 ] ) /* if no match, we add to the file */ { if( ( file88 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/terms", "ab" ) ) == NULL ) return; strcpy( linebuf, logbuf ); strcat( linebuf, linebuf2 ); strcat( linebuf, " " ); strcat( linebuf, wdump + 19 ); /* skip the path for a small file */ strcat( linebuf, cr ); fputs( linebuf, file88 ); fclose( file88 ); return; } /* There's an old filename that we can use for wdump without doing another Google search. The name of the old file is in hitline. */ cpz = strstr( hitline, " wg" ); if( cpz == NULL ) return; strcpy( iline, cpz + 2 ); iline[ strlen( iline ) - 1 ] = '\0'; strcpy( hitline, wdump ); /* save old wdump in case we need it */ strcpy( wdump, "/home/slops/scslop/" ); /* restore the path */ strcat( wdump, iline ); if( ( file87 = fopen( wdump, "rb" ) ) != NULL ) /* still there? */ { fclose( file87 ); oldsearch = 1; } else { strcpy( wdump, hitline ); /* restore original wdump */ if( ( file88 = fopen( "/home/slops/scslop/terms", "ab" ) ) == NULL ) return; strcpy( linebuf, logbuf ); strcat( linebuf, linebuf2 ); strcat( linebuf, " " ); strcat( linebuf, wdump + 19 ); strcat( linebuf, cr ); fputs( linebuf, file88 ); fclose( file88 ); } } /* _______________________________________________________ END REPEATER */