blobs in the web-void
Version 00.03, January 2005
"free" (sic) email repositories
by Fravia+

first published at searchlores in December 2004

"free" (sic) email repositories
where to upload stuff

"free" (sic) email repositories 

Homepages and Email one-shot providers and 'light' anonymity for your stuff

It's simply amazing how many possibilities you have to create "one-shot" email addresses with huge repositories where you can upload, share and download QUICKLY whatever you fancy. For these very reasons, on these places you can also, often enough, find some very juicy targets -)

Of course, for "survavibility" reasons, you should use some tricks for your files. Especially in copyright obsessed countries, or if you are not politically correct vis-à-vis your current dictature.
A simple one is what I like to call the "zar" compression method (zip+ace+rar): You zip (and password protect), then ace (and password protect), then rar (and password protect) your file. Or chose any other sequence of the various packers, for instance first zip (then stegano into a -say- wav file), then ace the result (then stegano into a -say- rm file), then, again, rar the result (then stegano again into -say- a (huge) pdf file)... you get the hang of it... You decide the sequences.

You'll automate the process of course, a simple batch file will be enough.

Then, once done, you change the name of your resulting file to -say- a tiff format (even if it is no tiff file, who cares? :-) and up it goes! Better if splitted into many (at least two) parts. Noone/nobot will really try to see/reconstruct the image, they will think, at worse, it is some kind of corrupted file, especially if you call it in your email subject something like "tiff with x rays of my last shoulder fracture": they wont be so easily able to sniff your real data either, unless they have really *a lot of time* and are really after you :-).

Once your friends download the file, they will go all the steps you chose in reverse (with a batch file), and that's it.

Phone them the password(s) for some added (light) anonimity.

Here a short list of 1 (or more) giga providers, and then also a webbit to find more...

red Yahoo: (USA, very quick, 1 GB free storage space + homepage)
red Yahoo china: (USA/China, very quick, 1 GB free storage space + homepage, you'll have to compile your data using the real yahoo as a muster, coz everything is in chinese here)
red Walla: (Israel, quick, 1 GB free storage space ~ 10 MB mail attachments)
red Rediff: (India, quick, 1 GB free storage space ~ 10 MB mail attachments)
red (Germany, quick, 1-3 GB free storage space)
unitedemailsystem: (Singapore, slow, 3 GB free storage space)
interways: (USA, quick, 1 GB free storage space)
mailbavaria: (USA, part of interways, quick, 1 GB free storage space)
omnilect: (Texas, quick, 2 GB free storage space)
maktoob: (Arabic, slow, 1 GB free storage space)

Anonymity must know
Of course when you sign up for these services you should NEVER give them your real data.
Lie to them a-plenty without shame, like there were no tomorrow... coz there'isnt one :-)
But in order to "build" a credible lie, you need some real data. And there are plenty of personal data around if you use the right webbit
Just take a book from your library... here for instance, behind me, Bill Rosenblatt, Learning the Korn Shell, O'Reilly, 103 Morris Street, Suite A, Sebastopol, California 95472. Such data are more than enough to "get signed" anywhere as, for instance, "Rose Billenblatt", 03 Morris Street, Suite B, Sebastopol, CA 95472, USA. A very credible, solid address.
Should you have to answer any further question when signing up for a "free" email address (your profession, your level of income...) just choose either the FIRST option of the proposed alternatives ("account", "over 10 million bucks per month") or select "other" so that they will add even more crap to their lists :-)
Point to remember: on the web you NEVER give away your true identity.

Do not feel bad while laying your gut out of yourself: the very reason they HAVE such "free" email addresses sites is -of course- to READ everything you write and to have a copy of everything you upload or create. Imagine you have yahoo and notice that 2 thousands (or hundred) bozos are going to advice their friend to sell tomorrow the action of pepsi cola... insider trading is NOTHING in comparison with the insider data you can have sniffing emails and search queries on the main search engines... or why did you think you have "free" search engines in the first places? Coz yahoo and google owners are nice people that want to help you finding stuff on the web? Nope. The real reason is obvious: in order to know what people are searching for, duh. That's the reason you should always strive to give them as few data as you can. It's like the supermarket "fidelity cards": they just want to stuff their databases for next to free in order to know how much you cry/shit/sleep/ and make love. To spend less and gain more, not to give you "discounts".

A last point: the list of free email accounts above is of course NOT exhaustive. To fetch MANY more you just build your own webbit ad hoc:
walla rediff unitedemailsystems

Of course, for email providers, as for everything else, there are ad hoc communities and specific messageboards

There are also MANY providers that will give you limited accounts (as many as you want, but they'll die after -say- 30 days, for instance runbox...)
Such accounts are IDEAL for quick transfer of files between friends (Runbox: 1 GB email storage ~ 100 MB file storage ~ 30 MB message size limit, 30 days limit).
Accounts that are nuked after a given number of days are even better, in "twilight" cases :-) vis-à-vis accounts that remain for ever, even when you have forgotten having used them :-)

Yet please note that, in order to offer 1 gigabyte throw-away email addresses for free, you need to be able to offer a SIGNIFICANT server configuration, which is rare as you may think, and -hence- that most of the "small" 1-giga email repositories are -mostly- just scam that does not work, so, if you want to be "sure and pampered" stick with the known working ones: walla, yahoo (& yahoo china) gmx, and rediff.

where to upload stuff 

file thingies

you of course already knew:

(..) trying to find more similar things, but failed. the web got big :)
if anyone else has related interesting online tools, i'd love to hear about
- Ritz

addition (from ~S~ Kane)

Another addition..... - Videos and Images only 10MB limit

....and a new webbit.

perhaps this is slightly off topic, but you can upload files here


requires firefox

the front end GUI is out of this world and downloadable should you wish to start your own service - i found it interesting as it demonstates an example of next generation web pages

Petit image

(c) 3rd Millennium: [fravia+], all rights reserved, reversed, revealed and reviled