Warning: proxies.htm
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You can already use the following (and - of course - anything else "about proxies" that you'll find on my site
as well) but this is still a complete
and unorganised mess that I intend to re-order asap.
In the mean time either
you go and study some other lore or you read this and try to see what you can do - all alone on yourself -
with the following knowledge snippets... eheh
[Other interesting snippets]
Vlad's site allows for port 81 proxy
proxy search:
gives plenty of them. All recent. All port 81. They can't all be dead.
It can be used to search for port 82 (change the pattern to %3B82%3B) as
well, but of the many checks done, it only gives 3 (two are already on
my page and the other one is censored anyway).
You can always just go to, of
course and do the searches. But his search pattern has bugs, so things
like ;8[2-9] don't seem to work.
I tried various ways to get it to search on
NOT (8080, 80, 3128 ...) once, but the facility didn't seem to be there.
A search for port 9000 gave one...
I'm sure there are many more on the unblocked ports listed on my page.
If someone went through these and posted the results, it would be a
Good Thing
if you add certain ascii character after
the .com, .net, etc... of an URL such asþ
it'll get right past my ISP's proxy.
so far i haven't found one that works with everything.
they can also be combined with the Dword proccess. so even though
http://3483057532/ is blocked, http://3483057532ü/ isn't...
have checked a number of sites using this method
(www.playboy.comô, www.penthouse.comô etc), and they seem to work! i was
checking using a suffixed ô (Alt-147). Sometimes it didn't work, maybe to do
with particular servers in the proxy array???
again, anyone have any ideas on this?
I once used %a0 at the end like that.
But then they fixed the problem. Surprised to hear it's back!
The thing that always amazed me was that the DNS servers returned the
right address when the proxy sent them that weird string!
It's a painful (and unreliable from what you say) way to access the
internet though.
Here are the results from Saudiþ fails the proxy's DNS lookup
http://3483057532/ is blocked
http://3483057532ü/ is rejected by the proxy
Remember that even mediocre admins have you by the throat though.
EVERY packet you send out must go through a machine under their control.
They just need to:
1) notice it
2) ask their (smarter) consultants what to do about it.
3) do it.
and you're fscked.
Check your own IP address and netmask to see
> > if you are on the same subnet as one of the 'internet enabled' machines
> > which is off. Then change your IP address to the IP address of that machine!
> But, the problem is that I don't know what IP have the right! I f I would be able to know that ...
Have you ever used a network sniffer? IIRC, even l0phtcrack will tell you about
what's happening on your net. It should be easy to see these guys -
they'll be the ones using the network bandwidth (when they are on,
and web surfing). Try around lunch-time or the last hour of the work day.
These are usually the guys who don't really need to work for a living :-)
The ones who are powered off and never surf, but still 'internet enabled' will
be hard to find. If you prefer to use one of these we'd have to do some
IP spoofing tests. Maybe the easiest (time-consuming, but technically easy)
way to do this would be for you to ping (starting) at the beginning of the
subnet IP address range, see if anyone is there, change your own IP address
to that address, and see if you get internet access. For NT at least this
IP address change is a quick thing - not sure about win9*
I don't know how much time you have to bang on this ...
> > If the machine you want to 'impersonate' is still powered on and booted
> > up, then if you try to use his address there may be alarms going off
> > everywhere. Be careful - that's just a bit too obvious.
> OK, I know that.
> Well, I hope you go on helping me. At the moment the "mediocre" admins won.
Well yeah, only because you need some 'hacker' education :-)
And that always takes time, hey? It took me years.
They have the upper-hand in the first place. It's kinda like
attacking a castle with a moat and all.
Alstone version 0.32 is out and it can append strings to hostnames.
This version could be of interest to persons inside the UAE.
How to URL-encode and URL unencode Type into the webbrowser
javascript:alert((w =,w.document.write(escape("ô")),w.document.close()))
javascript:var w =;w.document.write(unescape("%F4"));w.document.close()
Sample use of the proxy:
S:\aznlp>java Alstone -h
The Alstone Java proxy 0.32, 10-Feb-00. Usage:
-n Near_port
-f,-r [far_hostname_or_IP:]far_port
-x Hostname 0xHH.0xHH.0xHH.0xHH encoding (default = 4294967296 encoding)
-z %FF String to append to hostname. (String is first URL decoded)
-s Server/decode mode (defaults to client/encode mode)
(Desertweed Research,,
S:\aznlp>java Alstone -n 84 -f 85 -z %f4
Client_Mode = true, Encoding_Mode = '4294967296', Tail = 'ô'
Listen = 84, Remote = localhost:85
------> ---> 3558485005ô <------
------> ****blocked**** ---> 3489041000ô <------
If a client and server are connected, then the proxy converts hostnames
to IP numbers.
At 04:09 09.02.00 , Craig Carey wrote:
>The proxy now would change a browser request for:
>into this: http://3471288708/discussions/charges/index.htm
Download! (about 76KB, source code, free)
>Java would be needed too.
// To run this program
// Option 1, run it without changing the code:
// (2.6MB)
// Option 2, run and be able to modify the code
Craig Carey
The reason I suggested l0phtcrack is to get their passwords, so you
could log into their computer and use it (install a redirector, say).
You seem to be willing to take the risks involved.
You might be able to get their IP address anyway, so you can use that
next time they are powered off. If you can see their computer in 'network
neighbourhood', so you know the computer name, you might see if nslookup with
the same name resolves to an IP address (then ping to be sure). nbtstat -a may also
give useful info.
> > > > Have you ever used a network sniffer? IIRC, even l0phtcrack
> > > No, I haven't used one.
> >
> > I think you should learn.
> OK. I'm going to begin with l0phtcrack
l0phtcrack gives some sniffer info, but it's not really designed
with that use in mind. But ok, ya gotta start somewhere.
If your ISP gives you a fixed IP number, then it might be doing thorough
blocking using a firewall. You can run WINIPCFG.EXE to find out your IP
number (do you have Win9x/NT?).
Quite apart from the blocking, the ISP may be incompetent with matters
having to do with the Internet, since it is (your say), using Microsoft's
Proxy software.
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