| | [LAB3]: Tag der Kristalltürme
(last updated: June 2003)
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Caveat: This
here is a "beta version" of what this lab should look like.
Lab3 will open 'officially' only after having
REALLY checked all possible
paths and the relative "pedagogical" value of the challenges... this said, there's no
reason you shouldn't already try your own hand at it, if
you feel like it... be warned
if you want to try this lab, do
read my Let's not become
conspiracy obsessed where, I believe, you'll be able to understand the
"reason d'etre" of this
lab. We have also included some articles that we believe may be useful
as a startpoint for your own researches.
Fallite fallentes: Tag der Kristalltürme
Let's not become
conspiracy obsessed (by fravia+)
The Lab
[1) AFOREMATH: Saudian deeds?]
[2) PERIMATH: an hollywood touch?]
[3) AFTERMATH: oily oil]
Please note that your Lab-assignement is to find THE MORE ACCURATE DATA
about each
query target and to describe exactly all steps and paths you have followed.
Use pencil and paper,
you wont regret it... see the tips below.
Note that we will not use words like 'terror' or 'terrorism' in this search assignement: As
all reversers know: 'terrorism' is a 'relative' definition:
Historically, wherever it happens,
if violence is committed in defiance of the existing regime, it is
usually called 'terror'.
If it is committed by the regime's security forces or an affiliated
militia, it is not called 'terror' but something else (a rich list of 'non-terrorist' terms
awaits you if you investigate the media descriptions of the warring factions and the
various tribal warlords used against the Taliban in Nord-Afghanistan).
We should also not forget that
definitions may suddendly change upon time: the Taliban,
for instance, were for a long time "freedom fighters" before being transformed into
"particularly fanatical fundamentalists and woman-haters".
Keep in mind that however, even if we do not use such 'media-rhetorical related' terms,
no one, at least here in Europe,
can seriously view
Bin Laden, or his al-Qaeda organisation, or Sadam Hussein,
as being something even remotely related to "Good".
But for sure we still view our own political elites, and the ones in the States,
all together now happily
fighting against "terrorism", with more than
a hint of suspicion.
Note that, ironically, the infantile, childish division among 'good guys'
and 'bad guys' is just the kind of attitude that fundamentalists
would (literally) kill for.
The 11/9 attacks, with their unspeakable horror,
were the brainchild -and other side of the mirror- of a similar bigotry.
1) AFOREMATH: Saudian deeds?
- A few days before the 11/9 attack, the head of the Saudi secret service (Prince Turki Al-Faisal),
after almost 20 years
in office, has been sacked without an explanation. Are these data true? Do they mean something?
What exactly are the relations between official Saudi arabian circles and the (mostly saudian)
componentes of the attack commandos? Who were exactly the
components of those commandos? (Names? Background? 'Curriculum Vitae'?)
How many wre they?
19? more? (Here a possible list, must be checked)
some of them trained by the CIA or even directly paid by it anytime in their life? Were some of those
giving orders to them trained by the CIA or paid by it?
Who, when, why, how much, paid the
Maktab al-Khidimat (MAK) movement?
Is it credible that both CIA and FBI did not have/receive any clue about a such complex plan?
What about other secret services?
What about the FBI’s own counter- terrorism division, the Radical Fundamentalist Unit: RFU?
What about the National Security Agency, NSA?
What about the "National Imagery Office" based in the Pentagon? (this
agency manages all U.S. satellite intelligence gathering).
What about the special "FBI’s Osama bin-Laden unit"
(stationed at Federal Plaza, the FBI’s office in New York)?
Mossad warnings? M15 warnings? French DST ("Direction de la Surveillance
du Territoire")
Is it simple incompetence
or connivence? Who exactly is responsible for what?
Suggestion: there are enough angles, above, to start a good query work right now...
3) PERIMATH: an hollywood touch?
"Good" versus "Evil"?
An "axes" of "evil"?
A crusade?
A war against "terrorism"?
Countering a regime of particularly fanatical fundamentalists and woman-haters?
Who when began to use such terms? Why?
And back to our searching
task: the very nature of the attack that prompted this "war" (or crusade or
campaign) seems CREATED in order to make it easy to sell
these developments as a battle of "Good" versus "Evil").
Should we apply some rhetorical reversing to the news / attitudes sparkled by
and after
the 11/9 event? Would it bring us significant knowledge to do so?
Too neat to be true?
Those two airplanes hitting the twin towers (the twin towers!) with such
"hollywoodian" precision / color and light and sound effects, seem
'thought' to be made in order to inprint our retinas with unforgettable images,
that will for sure accompany (and give some
comfort to) any soldier fighting for the "good/true God/christian/white"
side when asked to kill someone
somewhere that will be (allegedely)
related with such an horrible deed.
"Not even Godzilla would have been able to provoke something like that in New York": is this comment to the
11/9 attack worth
analysing in depth?
3) AFTERMATH: oily oil (and the euro)
What could possibly have motivated -- and still motivates -- the
USA and Europe propping up of blatantly repressive non-democracies
like the Saudi and Kuwaiti royal families, or regimes like that of
Reza Pahlavi, the last Shah of Iran? Or pouring billions into the coffers of Saddam Hussein
in the ’80s, duh?
Or even creating and training the possible
mastermind of the 11/9 attacks himself: Osama bin Laden... Was he actually
trained by the CIA? (Directly or through Pakistan's
Inter-Services Intelligence agency-ISI)
Was he a 'blowback'? Who were the contacts he had inside ISI and CIA??
How much does "oil" play a role in this bazaar?
Who produces how much? And for how long?
Who has oil enough? Who needs it badly? Who can switch to
something else? Who cannot?
Is it true that media avoid whenever possible to state the obvious matter of fact
the US-military is in the Middle East
only to guarantee that whatever comes out of the ground
is exploitable and controlled by American multinationals? Is this really such a
obvious matter of fact? Is this a matter of fact at all?
More specifically: is it true that
the world is drawing
down its oil reserves
at an unprecedented rate, with supplies likely to be constrained by
global production capacity by 2010?
Is it true that the OPEC countries are ready to switch to the euro
and that the first one that did it, towards end 2000, was Iraq?
Some tips before leaping into it:-
How easy (or difficult) was it to figure out the correct approach?
Was the formulation adequate to help you plan your search?
Which search-approaches and strategies did you choose?
Did you use any "classical" search engine? If so which ones?
Did you use any "special" search engine? If so which ones?
How many results did you retrieve?
What proportion of the results were relevant to your perceived information requirements?
How current were the results? How many 404s?
Was the amount of detail displayed with the results enough to allow you tho evaluate?
Was the order in which the results were displayed evident or apparently illogical?
What other features contribute to (or detract from) the utility of the tools and approaches you choosed?
Did you time your query?
Eh, of course you don't need to answer all the questions above. The purpose of these
labs is to let you understand how important it is to be more "systematic" when searching the web. You may
hop, you may leap, you may be a grasshopper or an ant... the only decisive
factor is the success
of your query and the time you had to employ: you got the targets you were searching for
quickly? You won.
Feedback, critics, suggestions, ameliorations... welcome!
[Hints for lazy searchers]
[~S~ Seekers' msgboard]
Possible list of the 11/9 commandos (Must be checked)
1) Satam M.A. Al Suqami- Possible Saudi national
-Dates of birth used: June 28, 1976;
Last known address: United Arab Emirates
2) Waleed M. Alshehri - Possible Saudi national
-Dates of birth used: September 13, 1974; January 1, 1976;
March 3, 1976; July 8, 1977; December 20, 1978;
May 11, 1979; November 5, 1979
-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Orlando, Florida;
Daytona Beach, Florida
-Believed to be a pilot
3) Wail M. Alshehri
-Date of birth used: September 1, 1968
-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida; Newton, Massachusetts
-Believed to be a pilot
4) Mohamed Atta - Possible Egyptian national
-Date of birth used: September 1, 1968
-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida;
Coral Springs, Florida; Hamburg, Germany
-Believed to be a pilot
-Alias: Mehan Atta; Mohammad El Amir; Muhammad Atta;
Mohamed El Sayed; Mohamed Elsayed;
Muhammad Muhammad Al Amir Awag Al Sayyid Atta;
Muhammad Muhammad Al-Amir Awad Al Sayad
5) Abdulaziz Alomari - Possible Saudi national
-Dates of birth used: December 24, 1972 and May 28, 1979
-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida
-Believed to be a pilot
1) Khalid Almihdhar - Possible Saudi national
-Possible resident of San Diego, California, and New York
-Alias: Sannan Al-Makki; Khalid Bin Muhammad;
'Addallah Al-Mihdhar; Khalid Mohammad Al-Saqaf
2) Majed Moqed - Possible Saudi national
-Alias: Majed M.GH Moqed; Majed Moqed, Majed Mashaan Moqed
3) Nawaf Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national
-Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey;
San Diego, California
-Alias: Nawaf Al-Hazmi; Nawaf Al Hazmi; Nawaf M.S. Al Hazmi
4) Salem Alhazmi - Possible Saudi national
-Possible resident of Fort Lee, New Jersey; Wayne, New Jersey
5) Hani Hanjour -
-Possible resident of Phoenix, Arizona, and San Diego, California
-Alias: Hani Saleh Hanjour; Hani Saleh; Hani Hanjour;
Hani Saleh H. Hanjour
1) Saeed Alghamdi
-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida
-Alias: Abdul Rahman Saed Alghamdi; Ali S Alghamdi;
Al- Gamdi; Saad M.S. Al Ghamdi; Sadda Al Ghamdi;
Saheed Al-Ghamdi; Seed Al Ghamdi
2) Ahmed Ibrahim A. Al Haznawi - Possible Saudi national
-Date of birth used: October 11, 1980
-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida
-Alias: Ahmed Alhaznawi
3) Ahmed Alnami
-Possible residence: Delray Beach, Florida
-Alias: Ali Ahmed Alnami; Ahmed A. Al-Nami; Ahmed Al- Nawi
4) Ziad Samir Jarrah
-Believed to be a pilot
-Alias: Zaid Jarrahi; Zaid Samr Jarrah; Ziad S. Jarrah;
Ziad Jarrah Jarrat, Ziad Samir Jarrahi
1) Marwan Al-Shehhi
-Date of birth used: May 9, 1978
-Possible residence(s): Hollywood, Florida
-Believed to be a pilot
-Alias: Marwan Yusif Muhammad Rashid Al-Shehi;
Marwan Yusif Muhammad Rashid Lakrab Al-Shihhi;
Abu Abdullah
2) Fayez Rashid Ahmed Hassan Al Qadi Banihammad
-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida
-Alias: Fayez Ahmad; Banihammad Fayez Abu Dhabi Banihammad;
Fayez Rashid Ahmed; Banihammad Fayez; Rasid Ahmed Hassen Alqadi;
Abu Dhabi Banihammad Ahmed Fayez; Faez Ahmed
3) Ahmed Alghamdi
-Alias: Ahmed Salah Alghamdi
4) Hamza Alghamdi
-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida
-Alias: Hamza Al-Ghamdi; Hamza Ghamdi; Hamzah Alghamdi;
Hamza Alghamdi Saleh
5) Mohand Alshehri
-Possible residence(s): Delray Beach, Florida
-Alias: Mohammed Alshehhi; Mohamd Alshehri; Mohald Alshehri
Exposing The NORAD Wag The 911 Window Dressing Tale
Using NORAD’s Own Press Release And Fifth Grade Math (facts and confutations)
Peter Dale (personal stance)
why-war (archiving news articles since october of 2001, helpful for digging up information)
by W. Clark,
January 2003,
Independent Media Center
The Real Reasons for the Upcoming War With Iraq:
A Macroeconomic and Geostrategic Analysis of the Unspoken Truth
(euro awakens, dollar scared)
George Monbiot
Tuesday February 18, 2003,
The Guardian
Underlying the US drive to war is a thirst to open up new opportunities for surplus capital
(US switched from the domination of global production to the domination of global finance
through IMF and world bank, and tried to impose a patent system, but needs
a good ole war now:
nothing helps, but blood, when you have so much money to burn)
by Gerard Holmgren, January 2003
Debunking Conspiracy Theorists
Paranoid Fantasies About 911 Detract From Real Issues
(A humorous list of some of the 'incoherences' around the 11/9 event, can be used as useful series of
starting points
for some serious web-delving)

(c) 1952-2032: [fravia+], all rights